Szervíz, kalibráció, finanszírozás
Our company provides warranty and after-warranty support of distributed test instruments. In cooperation with Keysight Technologies we also provide on-site calibration services.
For Keysight Instruments we also offer extended warranty or calibration and repair contracts.
Details about Keysight repair and calibration services can be found HERE.
Warranty status of your Keysight instrument can be checked HERE.
In cooperation with GRENKE, a specialist in IT equipment leasing, we provide financial or operational leasing of instruments. If your budget currently does not allow for higher investment costs, leasing can be a simple and convenient solution to your investments in state-of-the-art technology.
For more information, please contact us at .
H TEST Hungary Kft.
Koroknay Gyula utca 9.
9027, Győr
+36 96 999 262
Termékhírek, meghívók szakmai rendezvényekre, szemináriumokra és továbbképzésekre. Elektronikus úton, legfeljebb havi két alkalommal kerül kiküldésre.
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