Price and performance beyond compare: New Keysight DAQ970A data acquisition system

Keysight Technologies introduced a brand new data acquisition system that offers the powerful measurement performance, flexibility, connectivity options and ease of use and that all at a fraction of the cost of other standalone data acquisition systems. So what can you expect from a data acquisition system that’s this affordable? Measurements you can trust.

New DAQ units use engine from Keysight´s best-selling benchtop DMM, embedded inside a 3-slot mainframe, and offer the benefit of proven Keysight measurement performance, universal inputs with built-in signal conditioning and modular flexibility, all in a low-cost, compact data acquisition package. The DAQ970A features 6½ digits (22 bits) of resolution, 0.004% basic DCV accuracy, ultra-low reading noise and scan rates of up to 450 channels/sec.

Main features:

  • 3-slot mainframe with built-in 6½ digit DMM and 8 switch and control plug-in modules
  • Measures and converts 12 different input signals: Temperature with thermocouples, RTDs and thermistors;    DC/AC volts; 2- and 4-wire resistance; frequency and period; DC/AC current and capacitance
  • LAN and USB for easy connectivity to your PC:
    Graphical Web interface for point and click monitor and control
    USB flash drive support to copy/log data in standalone applications

A complete selection of plug-in modules gives you high quality measurement, switching and control capabilities to choose from. Modules include both low-frequency and RF multiplexers, a matrix switch, a general-purpose switch, and a multifunction module that includes digital input/output, analog output, and totalizer capabilities. You can mix and match modules to get just the functionality you need right now—then change or add more channels later as your application grows.

Data Acquisition Unit: DAQ970A
Plug-in modules: DAQM900A / 901A / 902A / 903A / 904A / 905A / 907A / 908A

Additional information are available in datasheet.



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