Keysight IO Libraries

IO Libraries

The Next Generation of Instrument Control
With more features and capabilities, it’s easier than ever to get connected 

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. IO Libraries Suite 17 auto-discovers more instruments including those that physically connect to your PC (including GPIB, USB, and PXI) and many of those on your local LAN subnet. The non-intrusive discovery service minimizes disturbances to instruments. For Keysight GPIB instruments, bus addressing and handshaking are minimized. For all instruments, identification queries (*IDN?) are sent less often. Keysight Connection Expert has enhanced instrument discovery and a streamlined, modern interface that lets you get to your most-used information and options quickly. 

Keysight IO Libraries Suite 17 provides many improvements related to connecting to and controlling PXI and AXIe chassis. The PXI/AXIe Chassis view in Connection Expert shows the chassis with details of the card in each slot. From the PXI/AXIe Chassis view, you can see chassis and instrument addresses, start soft front panels, make trigger reservations, customize the chassis numbering in multi-chassis systems, and delete manually-added chassis.

All actual information are available on



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