The new generation of Keysight DSOX1000 2-channel oscilloscopes: Cutting-edge technology at an affordable price

01.03.2020 13:34

The new generation of Keysight DSOX1000 2-channel oscilloscopes: Cutting-edge technology at an affordable price

Keysight Technologies has introduced a new generation of 2-channel oscilloscopes of its DSOX1000 series. Like previous generations, they excel in their price/performance ratio, as evidenced by their price starting at 439,- EUR excl. VAT, and adding some new standard features and equipment.

There are 4 models available, with 50 MHz bandwidth (EDUX1052A/G) or 70, 100 and 200 MHz bandwidth (DSOX1202A/G). Compared to the previous generation, the measurement speed has been increased up to 200,000 waveforms per second to capture rarely occurring phenomena, and the recording memory has been doubled with MegaZoom technology. The function of the digital voltmeter and frequency counter has been preserved, as well as the functions of decoding serial communication protocols.

The “G” models include a built-in 20 MHz function generator and a frequency response analyzer (Bode plot). An important novelty compared to the previous generation is the presence of the standard LAN interface (LXI compatible) for remote control and communication with the oscilloscope. The Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1000 Series is complemented by the four-channel DSOX1204A/G models introduced last year, which also increased measurement speed and expanded memory capacity.

Main features of EDUX1052A/G models:

  • 2 analog channels
  • Bandwidth 50 MHz
  • Maximum sampling rate 1 GSa/s
  • Memory 200,000 points
  • Measuring speed 100,000 Wfrms/s
  • 20 MHz function generator + Bode plot test („G“ model)
  • I2C, UART/RS-232 serial bus decoding
  • USB, LAN (LXI)

Main features of DSOX1202A/G and DSOX1204A/G:

  • 2 analog channels (DSOX1202A/G models) or 4 analog channels (DSOX1204A/G models)
  • Bandwidth 70 MHz, upgradable up to 100 MHz or 200 MHz
  • Maximum sampling rate 2 GSa/s
  • 2 Mpts memory
  • Measuring speed 200,000 Wfrms/s
  • Built-in 20 MHz function generator + Bode plot test („G“ models)
  • I2C, SPI, UART/RS-232, CAN, LIN seriál bus decoding
  • Segmented memory
  • Mask test
  • USB, LAN

Standard accessories include passive probes with switchable 1: 1 and 10: 1 ratio corresponding to the number of analog input channels.

Closer information available HERE.
Product sheet for download HERE.
Prices of all Keysight DSOX1000 oscilloscopes are on



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