Keysight Technologies Introduces Industry's First Signal Analyzer to Provide Swept and FFT Capabilities in PXI Form

08.01.2015 09:18

PXI Spectrum analyzer

Keysight Technologies, Inc. today announced the industry's first signal analyzer to provide swept and FFT-based capabilities in the PXI form factor. The Keysight M9290 CXA-m PXIe signal analyzer delivers fully specified performance up to 26.5 GHz and provides best-in-class specifications in key areas such as sensitivity and dynamic range.

The CXA-m supports testing of components, boards and systems in a variety of applications, including military maintenance operations at the intermediate and depot levels (I-level and D-level, respectively).

Example devices-under-test include radios such as those used in the military, public safety, avionics, radar, electronic warfare and satellites. The rich set of built-in measurement capabilities, including swept and FFT modes in the same instrument, accelerates tasks such as the identification of spurious signals and harmonics.

The CXA-m also reduces time and effort in system deployment. For example, it ensures seamless transitions between R&D, manufacturing and maintenance by providing 100-percent compatibility with code written for Keysight's X-series signal analyzers, ESA-E and ESA-L spectrum analyzers. Ready-to-use drivers and SCPI commands simplify evaluation and programming. Closer info about M9290 CXA-m PXIe signal analyzer can be found HERE



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