PicoScope® 6000E Series: Performance and functionality for debugging next-generation embedded systems

24.02.2020 11:08

PicoScope® 6000E Series: Performance and functionality for debugging next-generation embedded systems

Pico Technology introduced a new series of 8 channel deep-memory, high-performance USB oscilloscopes with fixed or flexible resolution. Two models of PicoScope 6000E Series (6804E and 6824E) provide 8 to 12 bits of vertical resolution with 500 MHz bandwidth and 5 GS/s sampling rate.

8 analog channels have the timing and amplitude resolution needed for revealing signal integrity issues such as glitches, runts, dropouts, noise, distortion and ringing. Intuitive and easy-to-use PicoScope 6 software offers a wide range of functions, including a serial bus decoding (ARINC 429, BroadR-Reach, CAN & CAN-FD, FlexRay, I²C, I²S, LIN, Modbus, SENT, UART and many more) or mask testing, and is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Main features:

  • 8-bit to 12-bit FlexRes® ADC (6824E model)
  • 8 analog channels
  • 8 or 16 digital channels (optional)
  • 500 MHz bandwidth
  • Dual 5 GS/s ADCs
  • 4 GSa capture memory (up to 2 GS per trace)
  • 50 MHz, 200 MS/s, 14-bit AWG
  • USB 3.0 interface
  • ±10 mV to ±20 V full-scale input ranges
  • Serial decoding and mask limit testing
  • High-resolution time-stamping of waveforms
  • Advanced triggers: pulse width, runt pulse, windowed, logic and dropout

PicoScope 6000E Series oscilloscopes are ideal for design engineers working with high-performance embedded systems, signal processing, power electronics, mechatronics and automotive designs, and for researchers and scientists working on multi-channel high-performance experiments in physics labs, particle accelerators and similar facilities.

Closer information in product sheet HERE.

Prices of PicoScope 6000 Series is available in our webshop.



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