Pasternack Releases New Ultra-Broadband and Millimeter Wave Low Noise Amplifiers

19.02.2015 13:07

Pasternack Releases New Ultra-Broadband and Millimeter Wave Low Noise Amplifiers

Pasternack Enterprises, a leading manufacturer and supplier of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, launches a new line of ultra-broadband and millimeter wave low noise amplifiers that are in-stock and available to ship same-day. These new high frequency LNAs offer very low noise figure levels, typically between 2.5 and 3 dB across the entire band, making them perfectly suited for use in applications such as electronic warfare, instrumentation, fiber optic communication systems, military communications, radar, SATCOM, point-to-point radio links, telecom and R&D.

Pasternack’s newest release of RF amplifiers includes 17 models covering multi-octave bandwidths with flat gain response and feature highly efficient GaAs PHEMT semiconductor technology. 50 ohm hybrid MIC circuits are enclosed in environmentally sealed metal packages with nickel or gold plating. These low noise amplifiers come with either stainless steel SMA or 2.92mm connectors and some packages are hermetically sealed with field replaceable connectors, making these units very durable and able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. The 2.92mm connectorized models operate to 40 GHz.

The new ultra-broadband and millimeter wave LNAs have IP3 levels as high as +42 dBm, low VSWR and are unconditionally stable. DC voltage supply ranges from +12 to +15 Vdc while bias current ranges from 80 mA to 1300 mA. The voltage supply is internally regulated. The broadband low noise amplifiers from Pasternack contain internal circuits including DC blocking capacitors at the RF input/output ports and are guaranteed to operate over a wide temperature swing from -20°C to +70°C.

More information can be found HERE.



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