Pasternack Introduces New Families of High-Rel Electromechanical Relay Switches

12.02.2015 06:21

New switches by Pasternack Enterprises

Pasternack Enterprises, a leading manufacturer and supplier of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, introduces a new family of in-stock high-rel electromechanical relay switches with designs that range from 2 to 10 million life cycles, making them uniquely qualified for applications including defense and commercial aviation, semiconductor manufacturing, communications, radar, SATCOM, test instrumentation, medical devices and many others.

Pasternack’s latest release of hi-rel RF switches consists of 42 unique designs, which include 38 connectorized models as well as 4 surface-mount devices that boast a small footprint and lower cost than traditional connectorized packages. A unique patented design of the actuator and transmission link has been optimized for magnetic efficiency and mechanical rigidity which guarantees operation up to 10 million life cycles with excellent repeatability. The rugged MIL-STD-202 qualified construction of each RF relay switch is designed to withstand exposure to sine and random vibration and mechanical shock.

New coaxial electromechanical switches from Pasternack are available in package styles using SMA & N Type connectors and include varieties from SPDT (Single Pull Double Throw) through SP12T (Single Pull 12 Throw). Frequencies for these new RF switches range from DC to 40 GHz depending on the model, operating voltage ranges from +12V to +30V, power ratings range from 5W to 700W and have high isolation up to 85 dB and low insertion loss of 0.15 dB at 1 GHz. Additional features of these electromechanical relay switches include indicators, a latching actuator, a failsafe actuator and TTL Inputs.

More information about switches and all other products by Pasternack Enterprices can be found HERE.



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