New Keysight´s USB and PXIe Vector Network Analyzers - Compact Design, Uncompromising Performance

25.01.2019 06:31

New Keysight´s USB and PXIe Vector Network Analyzers - Compact Design, Uncompromising Performance

At DesignCon 2019, Keysight Technologies have introduced the brand new generation of  high-performance vector network  analyzers. They are available either in a compact USB 3.0 module (P500xA series) or PXIe card (M980xA series) format and their parameters are more than equal to the best bench analyzers:

- Dynamic range> 140 dB
- Trace noise 0.0015 dB rms
- Temperature stability 0.005 dB/°C
- Measurement speed 2.7 ms (401 points) for PXIe models, resp. 33 ms (201 points) for USB models

In addition to excellent parameters, new analyzers have a number of advanced measurement features and applications such as time domain measurement (TDR), spectrum analysis, pulsed-RF measurements, noise figure measurement, mixer/converter measurements and more.

The user interface is the same as in the other Keysight network analyzers and they are fully SCPI compatible with Keysight PNA, ENA E5080 and other Keysight PXI analyzers.

USB modules, 5 models of 2-port vector network analyzers:

PXIe cards, 5 models with selection of 2-, 4- or 6-port analyzer configuration:

A great advantage of the new M980xA series  PXIe network analyzers is the possibility to assemble a multiport network analyzer. With one PXIe chassis, up to 50-port vector network analyzer can be created and by connecting two PXIe basic units even a 66-port analyzer. Such analyzers will be used in applications like massive MIMO antennas testing or signal integrity analysis of high-speed digital buses.

Product sheet of P500xA series is available HERE.
Product sheet of M980xA series is available HERE.



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