New accesories for high resistance measurements with Keysight B2985A/87A Electrometer/High resistance meters

17.07.2018 11:15

New accesories for high resistance measurements with Keysight B2985A/87A Electrometer/High resistance meters

Electrometers / high resistance meters Keysight B2985A/87A allow to measure electrical resistance up to 10 POhm. Measurement of such high resistance requires usage of high voltage test signals up to 1000 V. Working with such high voltage can be very dangerous. Therefor Keysight Technologies introduced new line of accesories for high resistance measurements. Component test fixture N1428A is designed to operate specifically with the B2985A/87A Electrometer/High Resistance Meter. It is provided with two component modules, which are used to hold SMD, lead and various type of devices. Electrical noise effects are reduced by the employment of a shielded case. A built-in interlock circuit enables safe high-voltage measurements. The N1424A/B/C resisitivity cells are used to measure surface or volume resistance/resistivity of insulation materials. More information about high resistance measurements with Keysight Technologies instruments can be found here:



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