Most affordable Keysight vector network analyzers ever

04.06.2018 09:54

Most affordable Keysight vector network analyzers ever

The P937xA series, Keysight’s first compact vector network analyzer (VNA), is an affordable full two-port VNA which dramatically reduces your size of test. The compact VNA has wide frequency coverage with six frequency breaks, that operates from 300 kHz up to 26.5 GHz. The VNA is packaged in a compact chassis and controlled by an external computer through USB 3.0 with powerful data processing capabilities and functionalities. The firmware running on the PC has the same intuitive GUI as the other Keysight VNAs.

Analyzers offer great performance on key specifications such as dynamic range (>115 dB @ 6,5 GHz), measurement speed (24 msec, 201 points), trace noise (< 0.003 dBrms ) and temperature stability. It utilizes the same measurement science with the trusted benchtop Keysight VNAs. Connecting two modules together user can create full 4-port VNA.

More information and detailed technical specifications can be found on



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