Keysight Technologies’ New ENA Vector Network Analyzer Advances Performance, Speed with Tenfold Faster Test Times

18.02.2015 06:35

Keysight´s new E5080A ENA vector network analyzer

Keysight Technologies, Inc. announced the E5080A ENA vector network analyzer (VNA), which offers the industry's best combination of RF measurement performance and speed, enabling a  tenfold improvement in test time. The new ENA uses the Keysight PNA- and PXI-Series software architecture, making it easier for engineers to take measurements across multiple Keysight VNAs. The ENA also offers a large color touchscreen display with fast access to basic measurements.

The E5080A sets the new standard in RF component testing for R&D and manufacturing environments. The E5080A offers comprehensive functionalities for measuring active and passive components such as amplifiers, mixers, antennas and cables, including balanced DUTs.

Compared to the popular E5071C ENA, the E5080A offers performance advantages including more than 10 dB wider dynamic range (typically 147 dB) and up to 10 times faster measurement speed in real-world test scenarios. These enhancements improve precision and throughput in the testing of RF components such as filters with deep rejection bands.

Keysight is the first VNA vendor to provide a software platform that spans benchtop and PXI-based VNAs. This universal platform uses the best attributes and capabilities of the ENA and PNA families and delivers familiar functionality across all Keysight VNAs. With the new touch-based GUI capabilities, including tabbed softkeys and drag-and-drop operations, the E5080A streamlines measurement flow and helps engineers get better results in less time.

"The E5080A provides the capability and performance needed to characterize the leading-edge RF components used in 4G and next-generation smartphones, tablets and base transceiver stations," said Akira Nukiyama, vice president and general manager of Keysight's Component Test Division. "With its excellent analog performance, the E5080A enables better design margins in R&D and faster throughput on the production line."

The E5080A ENA series vector network analyzers are available now worldwide. The analyzer can be configured with two or four ports and frequency coverage from 9 kHz to 4.5, 6.5 or 9GHz.

Closer info HERE.



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