Keysight UXR - the world fastest real-time oscilloscope

17.07.2018 11:54

Keysight UXR - the world fastest real-time oscilloscope

The Keysight Infiniium UXR is the first series of real-time oscilloscopes to offer ultra-high-performance acquisition with 10 bits of high-definition resolution. With four channels of simultaneous 110 GHz of bandwidth, each concurrently sampling at a staggering 256 GSa/s, Infiniium UXR delivers the world-leading performance, ultra-low noise and high signal fidelity necessary for engineers and scientists to truly see and understand even the fastest phenomena – enabling you to more quickly develop the next generation of technology and research. The Infiniium UXR-Series is a fully modular platform offering upgradability from two to four channels and multiple bandwidth upgrade options up to 110 GHz. You can invest with confidence today knowing your oscilloscope will grow to meet the needs of even your most demanding future projects.

More information about this exciting new product family can be found at



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