Megjelent a piacon a Keysight az UXA spektrumanalizátorokkal!

06.01.2015 16:20

Keysight UXA spektrumanalizátorokkal

Keysight Technologies, Inc. announced the new flagship of its X-Series: the N9040B UXA signal analyzer. The UXA delivers industry-leading phase noise performance as well as 510-MHz analysis and real-time bandwidths. Combining these three capabilities with a large display and touch-driven interface, the UXA provides wider, deeper views of elusive wideband signals—known or unknown. In the development of mission-critical radar, electronic-warfare and communication systems, leading-edge signal analysis requires excellent phase noise performance.

Keysight's proprietary local-oscillator (LO) technology achieves phase noise of -136 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset, and -132 dBc/Hz at 10 GHz, 100 kHz offset. The maximum analysis bandwidth of 510 MHz can be used across the full frequency range with excellent spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of >75 dBc. This enables accurate characterization of parameters such as wideband chirp linearity. When monitoring or capturing highly elusive signals, the optional 510-MHz real-time spectrum analysis capability provides 100-percent probability of intercept (POI) for durations as short as 3.84 µs. Through a 14.1-inch screen, the UXA allows the user to view results using an array of flexible measurement displays. Based on the familiar X-Series menu structure, the touch-driven interface supports gestures and simplifies measurement and analysis by placing most setup items no more than two taps away. Product fact sheet can be downloaded HERE.



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