Keysight BenchVue software applications now FREE for over 280 instruments

27.06.2019 10:31

Keysight BenchVue software applications now FREE for over 280 instruments

Since June 2019, Keysight has been supplying the FREE BenchVue software applications within the delivery of over 280 instruments.

Lists of instruments sorted by categories can be downloaded HERE.

BenchVue software is an intuitive and easy-to-use application, providing the ability to control multiple connected meters from one place without programming, tracking measurements on a single screen, and documenting measurements and experiments. It also fundamentally changes the way you set up your device to communicate with your PC - the user simply connects to PC via LAN, GPIB or USB and is then automatically configured for use in BenchVue. No separate drivers or programming is needed. That speeds up common test tasks significantly. Data logging and export are done in just a few clicks, allowing users to focus on measurement and testing.

Key features of BenchVue include:

  • Data recording from digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, data acquisition units, spectrum and network analyzers, power supplies and power sensors
  • Creating custom waveforms for functional generators
  • Plug & Play control of all supported devices
  • Mobile application for remote monitoring and experiment control
  • Capture screen preview with a short description with a single click to quickly get professional documentation

More information can be found in the product sheet HERE.



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Függvénygenerátorok új sorozata

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