Amplifier Research RF/Microwave RF Safety Meter Systems

02.04.2015 13:52

Elektromágneses Biztonsági műszerek

The demand for these products is rapidly increasing with companies and the public becoming more aware that human exposure to electromagnetic fields (non-ionizing radiation) should be measured and controlled. This heightened awareness is beginning to result in new guidelines regarding maximum permitted exposure levels for both the general population and workers within specific industries.

Amplifier Research RF/Microwave is proud to offer a range of hand-held meters/monitors, probes and accessories for measuring exposure levels of a variety of products such as:

  • Industrial Ovens, RF Heating & Welding Systems
  • Diathermy, NMR and other RF Medical Devices
  • Imaging and NMR Equipment as well as other Sensitive Sites
  • Power Plants
  • Railway and Ground Transport Systems
  • Wireless Telecommunications, Base Stations, Broadcast Equipment
  • Power Lines
  • TV & Radio Transmitters & Base Stations

These advanced EMS solutions are known for providing cutting-edge solutions in all areas of broadband and selective measurements, both in real-time mode and stand-alone. AR’s safety solutions include: Safety Meters, Safety Sensor Heads and Safety Software.

Safety MetersVyplňte alternativní text 

Specialized measurement equipment for analyzing these levels is necessary to ensure a safe environment, and must comply with the technical requirements and guidelines. The SM 400K and SM40G are state of the art solutions for the measurement and analysis of electromagnetic field (EMF) safety applications. These portable and compact instruments operate over a wide range of frequencies while maintaining a small handheld footprint. They are user-friendly and provide very reliable measurements. In addition, they record the temperature of the surrounding environment as well as its GPS co-ordinates which can later be viewed through mapping software. This innovative series of SM meters features wide-band measurements from DC to 40 GHz with interchangeable sensor heads, selective measurements for complex signals, housed in a durable metal body, temperature sensor and on board GPS, three analog outputs, software for the display of measurements and data and optical interface/USB. Additional info HERE.

Vyplňte alternativní text Safety sensor heads

To go along with the SM400K and SM40G RF safety meters is a full line of electric and magnetic field sensor heads. Each sensor head is easily interchangeable. These sensors cover the frequency range from DC to 40 GHz, and field strengths of 0.2-20,000 V/m for electric fields and 20 nT to 15 T for magnetic fields. Closer info and a list of available sensor heads can be found HERE.

Software for your PC/notebook can be downloaded HERE.




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